J! Masters Quickcap: 5/20/2024 — Semifinals Games 3 & 4


Game 3

Matchup for this half
-Amy Schneider (0 points)
-James Holzhauer (1 point)
-Victoria Groce (3 points)

Correct/Incorrect: 50/7
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 0/1 (Amy)

Unplayed Clues (pts. left on the board): 0 (0 pts.)

Coryat Score: 36,600 (+14,200 vs. Game 2)
Lach Trash: 4,200 from 4 triple stumpers (-5K and -2 triple stumpers vs. Game 2)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): 7K (-9,400 vs. Game 2)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 1

Victoria: 10,800 | James: 21,400 | Amy: 1,200 (Combined: 33,400)

: 17,800 | James: 17,600

Final Jeopardy! Category: Metallic Elements

Final Jeopardy! Correct Answers: 1

Winner: James (20,278)

Game 4

Matchup for this half
-Amy Schneider (still 0 points)
-Yogesh Raut (4 points)
-James Holzhauer (4 points)

Correct/Incorrect: 52/5
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 2/2 (1 each by the men)

Unplayed Clues (pts. left on the board): 0 (0 pts.)

Coryat Score: 39,200 (+2,600 vs. Game 3)
Lach Trash: 9K from 8 triple stumpers (+4,800 and x2 triple stumpers vs. Game 3)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): 5,800 (-1,200 vs. Game 3)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 3 (TDD SWEEP #17!)

James: 32K | Yogesh: 24,800 | Amy: 8,200 (Combined: a whopping 65K!)

James: 16,600 | Yogesh: 14,400

Final Jeopardy! Category: 21st Century Literary Characters

Final Jeopardy! Correct AnswersACE #14

Winner: James (49,601)

Standings so far

1st: James: 7
2nd: Yogesh: 5
3rd: Victoria: 4
4th: Amy: 0 (leaves with $100K)

My Rating: Game 1: 5 (D), Game 2: 10! (A+), Overall: 8 (B-)

ACED! (Label of perfection)

2 thoughts on “J! Masters Quickcap: 5/20/2024 — Semifinals Games 3 & 4

  1. Not too well with the Act I Main Game with only one DD, and our sole End Game correct player Victoria still losing the game. But Act II was better, as we had our first Perfect Game of this new week. Amy departs with our first $100K award in our Majors this week.

    I disagree with JL’s winning rating, since ALL stats and whatever happened in the Main Games has to be taken into account, especially with Act I, so…

    Bobby’s Rating – 6 of 10 (tough Act I to rate, given the one correct F! player still lost the game) + PERFECT 10 (Act II) = 16 of 20 (Statistically an Overall Losing Show). Sorry, JL.

    Amy automatically gets an HONORABLE MENTION for Friday as we have a Millionaire coming later this week on SURVIVOR.

    TPIR AN is next.


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