LMaD Quickcap: 5/30/2024

Let's Make a Deal logo

Perfect Deals: 3

Car Win: No ($3K bailout in Winfall)

Dodged Zonks: Stacy, Ibaa, Albert, Renee (same deal)

Big Deal revealed by descending door numbers (Albert- gives up foosball game/cooler + “Bowl Master worth $4,698 & $1K cash)

  • SD (#2): stainless FRIGIDAIRE kitchen + Typhur gadgets ($4,543)- M.O.
  • MD (#3): trip to Budapest ($9,772)
  • BD (#1): gray Mazda3 Preferred ($27,395)

Perfect Deals Drop to: 2

Aired Quickie Deals

  • William: thought the color of Alicia’s shoes was black & white, her nails were done instead of natural, she wasn’t wearing glasses, and her hair was down instead of pulled back (Tiffany)- $400
  • Nicole: thought the princess with Mario was Peach ($300)- $

All stations that have this show at 2PM PT including mine did not air this episode due to a special report on Trump’s trial.

My Rating: 5 (D)

Ismael’s Rating: 5 (D)

3 thoughts on “LMaD Quickcap: 5/30/2024

  1. Spell Out Winner played for cash instead of a car (budget reasons here), plus yet another Car Game loss. Albert trades down with the SD, becoming the latest victim of the infamous Door #1’s Car BD, leaving 2 survivors on today’s show.

    Bobby’s Rating – lower at 4 of 10 (Statistical Losing Show, meaning we will once again not have a winning week. Best we can do tomorrow if we win is a Split Week).

    Can we avoid another MAJORITY DISAGREEMENT?


  2. Ratings on this show are now closed…I’m sorry to say once again, Bobby has been outvoted.


    Thanks, JL and Ismael.


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