WoF Quickcap: 5/2/2024

These Thursday contestants from left to right hope to be PASSING WITH FLYING COLORS…

Charlene Hering: 5th grade teacher of 15 years (she gives a shoutout to her school, Haude Elementary) who recently got engaged to fiancé Mike with a big blended family with seven kids from Porter, TX

Danté Alexander: Veterans Affairs Hospital program specialist and union vice-president born and raised in Philadelphia, PA

Irenelle Redfearn: likes going to poetry slams (though she doesn’t write poetry but she knows how passionate people are when writing poetry) and binge watching “The Golden Girls” (she usually stays up late night to watch this show to the point where she has to turn the TV off so the next episode, she won’t catch the beginning) from Belmont, NC

: $15,600 cash & Belize MDW | Danté: $6,550 | Irenelle: $5K

GRAND TOTAL: an underwhelming $27,150

Scary moments

-In Round 1…

_ _ A N _ E S / I N
_ _ A N _ E S / I N

Irenelle says a CRITICAL DUD of R to throw away $9,500.

Charlene says a FOOLISH DUD of J in the Mystery Round.

-In the third Triple Toss-Up about cakes…

C R _ _ / _ A K E

Danté flubs with CREW CAKE, so no Triple Toss-Up sweep for him.

Choose wisely from this generic list: THING/PLACE/PHRASE

MILLION DOLLAR BONUS ROUND #9: This amount is going OUT OF SIGHT from Charlene’s view because she didn’t win it…


$1M LOCATION: SPIN (6 away)

My Rating: 4 (F+)

Ismael’s Rating: 4 (F+)

Ant0824’s Rating: 2

Grizzly bear in water growling, mouth open

3 thoughts on “WoF Quickcap: 5/2/2024

  1. Charlene dominated the match and won her MDW…but in the end it was a waste. Otherwise low scoring Main Game. Yes, thank goodness it was only $40K down the toilet.

    Bobby’s Rating – also 4 of 10 (all agree this is a Losing Show, meaning it will all come down to the final BR envelope tomorrow both here and in Game Show Land).

    Due to Money Game’s early play today, final day results will be up exclusively right here following FARMER WANTS A WIFE after 11 PM ET.


  2. ELSEWHERE TONIGHT – The stage is set for the next group of Spring/Summer finales, with Gabi, Christina & Zach moving on to the final stages of NEXT LEVEL CHEF, and final decisions are being prepared for FARMER WANTS A WIFE.

    FINAL COUNT (for those new to this site, despite Money Game’s early play, ALL games must be counted) – 4 cars (incl. the BD and the High SC), 1 DD, the F! 3xG, the ongoing J! champ, and the usual trip.

    BLOOD COUNT – only 1 car (yes, folks, more won than lost today), the Vault Out in the MD, 1 trip sacrificed for the BD, 2 DDs, and $40K here.

    Stats show TPIR was the only Major Winning Show today, LMAD and J! went 50/50 Split, and WOF lost.

    TODAY’S BIG WINNERSuzanna Rudd (TPIR) with $36,008 C & P (incl. her car).

    GOING INTO TOMORROW – In terms of our Majors, stats show TPIR is already settled for the week with a Winning Record no matter what happens tomorrow, while LMAD is 1 Losing Show and 1 50/50 Split (or 1 1/2 to 1/2 ratio), J! is 2 Winning, 2 Losing, and 1 50/50 (or 2 1/2 to 2 1/2 ratio), while WOF is on the edge of either a Winning or Losing Week. Your Top Leader so far this week is Krystalanne Curwood (WOF) with $61,133 cash & trip. No clear cut loser so far, though anything can happen tomorrow, climaxing with the final opening of the BR envelope. 

    Join us in the morning for the conclusion of Week 35!


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