The Price is Right Season 52 Week 39 Stats

We DO NOT want to hear anybody tell us to change double overs into technical double showcase wins. A LOSS is a LOSS. And we DO NOT want to hear anybody make false double over announcements for the next day or week. If you wanna fight about it, call these numbers up: CBS at 1-888-274-5343, CBS Studios/News at 1-212-975-3247, CBS Headquarters at 1-212-975-4321, or TPiR at 1-855-507-7423 (alt. num. at 1-800-700-6525) and DON’T WASTE OUR TIME. 😡

Total for this Week: $425,990.72

Total for the Season: $20,788,611.53 + 19 prizes of unknown value
-Daytime: $15,913,654.24+ + 16 prizes of unknown value
-Primetime: $4,874,957.29+ + 3 prizes of unknown value

Pricing Games Won this Week: 11 of 30 (2 partials)

Pricing Games Won this Season: 578 of 1,230 (122 partials)

-This Week: 2
-Season: 34

Total Perfect PG Shows: 1
5-1: 20
4-2: 30
3-3: 74
2-4: 61
1-5: 23

All Games at Least Partially Won: 6

Total Weekly Car Game Shutouts: 1

Red/Blue/Orange/Green Podium Wins
-This Week: 12/3/9/6
-Season: 333/295/296/345

1st-9th Called Bidder Wins
-This Week: 5/3/4/3/4/2/2/5/2
-Season: 183/173/173/180/167/142/119/84/39

First Four Victims
-This Week: 5
-Season: 131

Perfect IUFB Bids: 17

IUFB All-Overbids: 6

$1 Bids: Week: 9, Season: 225
+$1 Bids ($1 above a previous bidder): Week: 10, Season: 656
$2-$99 Bids: Week: 1, Season: 20
$4K+ Bids: Week: 0, Season: 91

SCSD Dud Spins (Big Wheel did not go all the way around or Bonus Spin did not start at 5)
-This Week: 1
-Season: 55

SCSD Bonuses
-$1K: 77
-$11K: 12
-$26K: 6

-This Week: 3 (double)
-Season: 37 (29 were doubles, 2 were a three-way, 6 were bonus spin-offs)

SCSD Wipeouts (spun 5 then 100): 1

Showcase Stats

Car Winners’ Showcase (both car winners went to the showcase): 1 (Jan. 10)

Double Showcase Wins: 7

WSDs (over by $250 or less): 9

Bigger/Smaller Showcase Won
-This Week: 2/3
-Season: 110/95

High SC Sweeps (incl. DSWs and no DOBs allowed): 1
Low SC Sweeps (incl. DOBs and no DSWs allowed): 1

Biggest Showcase Winners (weekly): Keri Thompson (Week 1: $67,227); Joseph Cockerel (Week 2: $56,585); Kendrick Jones ($87,824 – Survivor Superfan Special); Steven (Week 3: $50,221); Raymon & Emma Moreland ($55,186.99 – The Amazing Race Superfans Special); Jeffrey (Week 4: $47,514); Crystal & Asi (Mother-In-Laws’ Special: $63,230); Bridgette Asher (Week 5: $66,225); Henry & Marriah Gallego ($104,098 – Grandparents Special); Suzie (Week 6: $63,111); Kerry Shaw (Week 7: $46,149); Gina Estrada (Week 8: $36,702); Molly (Week 9: $49,647); Timothy Lloyd (Week 10: $62,474), Austin Chen ($74,775 – Office Party Special); Desiree McDaniel (Week 11: $60,517); Zachary, Joanna, & Kathryn Alves ($85,928 – College Kids Home for the Holidays Special); Monica Jimenez (Week 12: $66,971); The Escobed Family ($103,794 – Holiday Family Special); Carolyn Carter (Week 13: $58,684); Mariah Aldape (Week 14: $42,803); Wendy Rowe ($74,362 – Jackpot January #1); Joann Hood (Week 15: $53,763); Diane Danko ($124,446 – Jackpot January #2); Amberlyn Reddy (Week 16: $40,304); Charissa Baldeo ($80,948 – Jackpot January #3); Eldon Hank (Week 17: $77,753); Curtis Busey ($51,189 – Jackpot January #4); Amanda Gail (Week 18: $44,772); Natosha Haines ($93,993 – Jackpot January #5 II); Lisa Friedlander (Week 19: $59,133), Alika Shivers (Week 20: $57,487); Kristin Donovan & Matthew Diogea ($104,962 – Valentine’s Special); Nicholas Smay (Week 21: $55,432); Nathaniel Benton ($67,340 – Jackpot January #6); Dena Maddox (Week 22: $72,698); Tandria Collins (Week 23: $59,561); Austin De Rosa (Week 24: $66,983); Tavion McCloud (Week 25: $46,349); Linda Ogles (Week 26: $57,778); Joseph Barnes (Week 27: $68,158); Kiara Etheridge (Week 28: $67,182); Richie Barnes (Week 29: $79,888); Victor Roy (Week 30: $62,481); Gregory Stonewall, Jr. (Week 31: $51,223); Vershondra Glover (Week 32: $70,809); Lesa Streer (Week 33: $50,492); Robert Newby (Week 34: $62,050); Chance Frey ($113,490 – Jackpot January #8 II); Justin Gaines (Week 35: $57,438); Connor Robertson ($96,150 – Superfans Jr. Special); Patrice Massey (Week 36: $83,068); Sandra Larson (Week 37: $49,042); Tonnette DeCree (Week 38: $52,520), Alexandra Swylum (Week 39: $61,680)

Biggest Winner of Season: Stefan Smith ($84,187 – Daytime); Mark Westergard ($204,095 – Jackpot January #8 II – Primetime)

Lowest Showcase Winner: Allison De Rosa ($24,461)

Double Overs: 13

This Week’s Pricing Champion: Jamie Martin

My Weekly Rating: 6

One thought on “The Price is Right Season 52 Week 39 Stats

  1. So much on following Wednesday’s trail after that hype. On a side note, LaVonda’s car sweep completion rerun might be blamed for…

    Was that the last week before summer reruns?


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