J! Quickcap: 6/25/2024

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FYI, Erin’s -$7,200 score from yesterday is actually the worst ever by a female on this show and the second-worst behind Patrick Pearce’s -$7,400 on Jul. 24, 2021.

Tuesday’s challengers
-Alan Elverum, a senior quality assurance administrator from Henderson, NV
-Staci Garner, a teacher from Chicago, IL

Going for a spot in the next ToC: Drew Basile (4-day: $75,682)

Correct/Incorrect: 48/13
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 2/5

Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 0 ($0)

Coryat Score: an underwhelming $28,600 (-$200 vs. yesterday)
Lach Trash: $12,400 from 11 triple stumpers (+$400 and +2 triple stumpers vs. yesterday)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $12,800 (-$200 vs. yesterday)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 2

Drew: $11,800 | Staci: $7,400 | Alan: $7,800 (Combined: an underwhelming $27K)

Drew: $10,400 | Alan: $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Category: National Monuments

Final Jeopardy! Correct Answers: 2

Winner: Drew ($15,601 (5-day: $91,283))

Midweek female challengers are Maryl Harris from Philadelphia, PA and Natalie Miliano from Portland, ME.

My Rating: 5 (D)

Ismael’s Rating: 5 (D)

TPiR Quickcap: 6/25/2024

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First Four: Dexter Stinson, Jacqueline Coffey, James Dean, Alexandra Swylum
: James ($1,799) wins $10K from 1 of 4 punches (GT: $12,124)

Next: Rita Gayloose
$1 Bid: Jacqueline
Side by Side: Alexandra from the suburbs of Chicago, IL ($723) ends up on the losing side

Next: Charles Kraus
Money Game: Dexter (high school soccer referee from SC) ($3,100) wins just $276 (GT: $3,376)

SCSD #1 Winner: Alexandra (spin-off with Dexter)

Next: Isaiah Lopez
$1 Bid: Charles
Pushover: Rita from AZ ($1,105) will push her new kitchen set to her home (GT: $6,231)

Next: Yolanda Johnson
+$1 Bid: Jacqueline
Pick-a-Pair: Yolanda ($2,250) can’t find a matching pair

Last: Beth Montgomery (Cleveland)
+$1 Bid: Jacqueline
10 Chances: Jacqueline ($830) escapes the FFBC and wins lantern and yoga collection (car wipeout) (GT: $1,860)

SCSD #2 Winner: Yolanda (spin-off with Jacqueline)

Showcase Winner: Alexandra ($61,680) (DSW #7)

Games won: 1 of 6 (2 partials) — Final Total: $87,521

My Rating: 6 (D+) (episode wasn’t that great aside from the DSW)

Ismael’s Rating: 6 (D+)