TPiR Quickcap: 6/21/2024

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First Four: Diane Wilson, Eric Cruz, Mary DeGroot, Jaymie Rogers
+$1 Bid: Jaymie
Range Game: Mary ($1,158) Lands in a Winning Range (GT: $13,305)

Followed By: John Mahoney
Do the Math: Diane ($3,199) Subtracts to an F Grade in Math

Up Next: Aleisha Wright
+$1 Bid: Jaymie
Stack the Deck: Aleisha ($2,495) Fails to Stack the Deck in her favor

SCSD #1 Winner: Mary
Dud Spin: Diane (second spin)

Coming on in: Lisa English
$1 Bid: Jaymie
Squeeze Play: Jaymie ($1,670) Squeezes in a Winning Zone (GT: $11,367)

Now Entering: Reginald Harris
$1 Bid: John
Cover Up: Reginald ($2,281) Fails to Cover the Cost of the Car resulting in a Car Wipeout and a Car Skunk Week

Coming Up Next: Mariah Zamora
1/2 Off: Eric ($945) Escapes from FFBC and Win $10K with box 11 with a 25% Chance of winning (GT: $11,127)

SCSD #2 Winner: Eric

Showcase Winner: Mary ($50,580)

Total Games won: 3 out of 6 – Total Winnings: $81,049

My rating: 6

Jerry’s Rating: 6 (D+)


Bad Time for Car Games not being won all week

2 thoughts on “TPiR Quickcap: 6/21/2024

  1. It is rather a coincidence one week removed from both the end of the regular Game Show Season and Sajak’s exit from WOF that CBS burns off its remaining shows for the summer and inexplicably constructs a CBS Car Game Skunk week, something that never happened in the regular season proper.

    Let me assure you that had this week happened during the regular season, Ismael and I would have been at odds at each other on Car Dilemmas. Luckily, this week happened in the off season.


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