J! Quickcap: 6/18/2024

Jeopardy! logo

Tuesday’s challengers
-Colleen Matthews, a speech-language pathologist from Portland, OR
-Mark Gagliardi, an actor & podcaster orig. from Knoxville, TN

Going for a nifty 15: Adriana Harmeyer (14-day: $326K)

Correct/Incorrect: 51/6
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 1/1 (Colleen)

Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 0 ($0)

Coryat Score: $37,600 (+$11,400 vs. yesterday)
Lach Trash: $8,400 from 6 triple stumpers (-$11,400 and -9 triple stumpers vs. yesterday)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $8K (+$800 vs. yesterday)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 0 (DDS #9)

Adriana: $13,600 | Mark: $7,200 | Colleen: $10,600 (Combined: $31,400)

Mark: $9,400 | Colleen: $14,600

Final Jeopardy! Category: Geographic Name’s Almost the Same

Final Jeopardy! Correct Answers: 2

Winner: Adriana ($23,600 (15-day: $349,600))

Midweek challengers are Tekla Sauter from Chicago, IL and Drew Basile from Birmingham, MI.

My Rating: 5 (D) (not too bad of an episode, otherwise)

Ismael’s Rating: 4 (F+)


TPiR Quickcap: 6/18/2024

The Price is Right logo

First Four: Bailey Vaughn, Jeffery Selner, Meltonya Williams, Kyle Wright
1 Right Price
: Kyle ($1,300) gets scammed by the elliptical trainer

Next: Sammy Yaseen
Spelling Bee: Meltonya ($509) spells out L-O-S-E-R (GT: $557)

Next: Karen Ritter
Side by Side: Sammy 🎂 ($1,932) goes to the winning side (GT: $8,919)

SCSD #1 Winner: Kyle

Next: Letitia Keller
$1 Bid: Karen
Any Number: Jeffrey from HI ($2,350) wins oil diffuser package (car wipeout and the skid continues) (GT: $3,245)

Next: Brent Watson
Bullseye: Karen from SD ($1,668) gets an instant bullseye (GT: $10,747)

Last: Diane Slater
Balance Game: Letitia from Carson ($3,475) puts the scale in balance (GT: $14,100)

Off to the FFBC: Bailey

SCSD #2 Winner: Jeffery (banked $1K — $4,245; Drew mistakenly set the Bonus Spin at .15 at first)

Showcase Winner: Jeffery ($41,549) (low showcase)

Games won: 3 of 6 (1 partial) — Final Total: $77,172

My Rating: 5 (D)

Boot to Gooseeggs and FFBC Victims

Bailey, your bids weren’t even close.

LMaD Quickcap: 6/18/2024

Let's Make a Deal logo

Perfect Deals: 1

Car Win: No

Zonk Victims: Marie, Raquel (but they both left with something)
Dodged Zonks: Kevin, Gregory

Big Deal revealed by ascending door numbers (Gregory- gives up Viking Spa + towel valet & side table with built-in beverage cooler worth $7,829)

  • SD (#2): $3,100
  • MD (#1): office including Apple products ($6,105)
  • BD (#3): EVERYTHING + trip to the Breakers ($12,916)- HAVE FUN

Aired Quickie Deal

  • Christine: gum (Jonathan) ($300)- $

My Rating: 6 (D+)