J! Quickcap: 6/17/2024

Jeopardy! logo

First challengers this week
-Kelsey Kaunisviita Vockrodt, a stay at home mom from Ottawa, Ontario 🍁
-Ty Patton, a communications specialist from Des Moines, IA

More playing for 14: Adriana Harmeyer (13-day: $299K)

Correct/Incorrect: 43/8
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 2/5

Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 2 ($800)

Coryat Score: an underwhelming $26,200 (-$11K vs. Friday)
Lach Trash: a brutal $19,800 from 15 triple stumpers (+$6,400 and +5 triple stumpers vs. Friday)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $7,200 (+$3,800 vs. Friday)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 3

Adriana: $16,200 | Ty: $13,400 | Kelsey: $2,200 (Combined: $31,800)

Adriana: $14,200 | Ty: $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Category: 2 Last Names, Same First Letter

UGH, this one is a multi-part Final. -___-

Final Jeopardy! Correct Answers: 2 (Kelsey only had Schindler right but it didn’t matter)

Winner: Adriana ($27K (14-day: $326K))

Adriana has moved to 13th place in all-time regular winnings! Will she keep it going when she faces Colleen Matthews from Portland, OR and Mark Gagliardi orig from Knoxville, TN tomorrow?

My Rating: 6 (D+) (I’m surprised by the final scores by Adriana and Ty despite the high Lach Trash)

Ismael’s Rating: 6 (D+)

TPiR Quickcap: 6/17/2024

The Price is Right logo

First Four: Rachel Aukingvoy (?), Amber Campaign, Frank Mirahmadi, Tayshannae Yates
+$1 Bid: Amber
: Amber from Buffalo, NY via Oceanside, CA ($824) wins $3K from 4 chips (GT: $3,951)

Next: Derryck Gleaton
Flip-Flop: Frank ($2,450) flops to a win (GT: $10,381)

Next: Gracen Truskett
+$1 Bid: Derryck
Line ’em Up: Tayshannae ($2,660) lines up to a Mazda3 loss

SCSD #1 Winner: Frank

Next: Debra Collins 🎂
+$1 Bid: Gracen
Bonkers: Gracen ($2,330) will go bonkers over her win (GT: $11,520)

Next: Brandon Bieber
Bargain Game: Brandon (cabinet making company  process manager) ($1,680) gets a good bargain (GT: $8,474)

Last: Maria Pradillo
$1 Bid: Rachel
Pass the Buck: Maria ($580) is passed $3K (car wipeout) (GT: $3,580)

Off to the FFBC: Rachel

SCSD #2 Winner: Gracen (banked $1K — $12,520)

Showcase Winner: Gracen ($51,018)

Games won: 3 of 6 (2 partials) — Final Total: $80,064

My Rating: 6 (D+)

Boot to Gooseeggs and FFBC Victims

Rachel bad some bad luck earlier, but boy did she blow her last chance to get out on the last IUFB.

LMaD Quickcap: 6/17/2024

Let's Make a Deal logo

This is the last Mega Money Monday episode of the season.

Perfect Deals: 3

Car Win: No…


Dodged Zonks: DeeLeww, Zucena (same deal), Marc

Big Deal revealed by ascending door numbers (Zucena- gives up trip to Alltra worth $6,734)

  • SD (#2): $3,199
  • MD (#1): rypen living room ($8,737)
  • BD (#3): EVERYTHING + trip to Budapest ($9,772)- HAVE FUN

Aired Quickie Deal

  • Sitara: up to four red things ($200 each)- $400

My Rating: 7 (C-)


That’s a 3 of a kind disaster right there.