TPiR Quickcap: 6/14/2024

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First Four: Michael Rossmiller, Immanuel Timms, Sandra Larson, Jasmine Gregory
$1 Bid: Jasmine
Safe Crackers
: Immanuel ($2,020) gets locked out

Next: Brendan Pantazis
Coming or Going: Michael ($2,623) is going… back to his seat

Next: Ayanna Davis (Cleveland, OH)
Hole in One (or Two): Brendan from Menifee, CA ($531) bogeys to a TOTAL TRAINWRECK and skunked first half

SCSD #1 Winner: Brendan

Next: Lindsey Catrambone
+$1 Bid: Ayanna
Bargain Game: Ayanna ($1,515) gets a good bargain (GT: $9,118)

Next: Connor Shipley
$1 Bid: Jasmine
Secret X: Connor ($1,221) gets a diagonal tic-tac-toe (GT: $8,431)

Last: Cynthia Johnson
Gas Money: Sandra ($1,749) escapes the FFBC but causes another TOTAL TRAINWRECK

Misc.: This was the first time that someone won the showcase despite wiping out on Gas Money since May 15, 2017. Sandra now joins Sophia (May 15, 2017), Van (Mar. 29, 2013), and Dee Ron (Apr. 1, 2009).

Same can’t be said for: Jasmine

SCSD #2 Winner: Sandra
Dud Spin: Ayanna (second spin) and she caused the first WIPEOUT all season long

Showcase Winner: Sandra ($49,042) (high showcase)

Games won: 2 of 6 — Final Total: $71,765

My Rating: 3 (F)

Ismael’s Rating: 2 (F-) (Just like that, the curse of Friday continues)


Hole in One and Gas Money both ended in disaster. In words of deepscan for the latter, it is not a game where contestants guess the price of the car.

Boot to Gooseeggs and FFBC Victims

Not it for Jasmine.


Unfortunately, that is our fortieth car shutout of the season.

6 thoughts on “TPiR Quickcap: 6/14/2024

  1. My goodness, what happened here?!

    Multiple ZCOTW nominees, one in the words of deepscan, a greedy bailout (Don’t Forget the Lyrics!; first episode last night with a $150,000 bailout and would’ve been the first person on Nash’s version of the show to play the Million Dollar Song); the other three in Triple Play, Hole-in-One, and Gas Money here…

    …this week went COMPLETELY DOWNHILL after the epic $1 DSW last week.

    Everything got quiet after Wheel’s season finale and Pat’s final career show, too. I just hope everyone in this community has a happy and safe summer.

    As for this show: 4.5/10 is my rating.


  2. For the record folks…

    Of the three Luxury Games currently played in the Carey era of the show, Pay The Rent is the only one that has not been played this season, and is most likely retired. The reason is that the show currently tapes at Haven Studios, a facility that is too small for the PTR set up…the previous studio, CBS Television City, was large enough to accommodate it, so now you know why PTR hasn’t been played, and most likely will not be going forward, unless Carey comes up with a new Luxury Game to take its place.

    I will say this again, Gas Money is NOT a game where contestants guess the price of the car.


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