J! Quickcap: 6/12/2024

Jeopardy! logo

Midweek challengers
-Enzo Cunanan, a student from Orlando, FL
-Connor Townsend, an attorney from Chelsea, MI

Going for eleven: Adriana Harmeyer (10-day: $204,700)

Correct/Incorrect: 54/4
Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 2/2 (1 each by Adriana & Connor)

Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 0 ($0)

Coryat Score: $45,600 (+$12,400 vs. yesterday)
Lach Trash: $4,600 from 5 triple stumpers (-$9,400 and -7 triple stumpers vs. yesterday)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $3,800 (-$3K vs. yesterday)

Daily Double Correct Answers: 2

Adriana: $20,600 | Connor: $9,600 | Enzo: $16,400 (Combined: $46,600)

Adriana: $21,200 | Enzo: $14,800

Final Jeopardy! Category: Famous Names

Final Jeopardy! Correct Answers: 2

Winner: Adriana ($33K (11-day: $258,700))

Next challengers that Adriana will be facing are Mike Flanagan from Winchester, MA and Hakme Lee from Seattle, WA.

My Rating: 8 (B-)

Ismael’s Rating: 7 (C+)

Good News Bull (not to be confused w/ the Stamp of Approval)

Despite going 2-for-3 on DDs and FJ!.

TPiR Quickcap: 6/12/2024

The Price is Right logo

First Four: Carla Humphrey, Jennifer Valdez, Dino Alzadon, Erin Zentner
Check Game
: Dino ($1,648) gets an approved check (GT: $8,430)

Next: Joshua Walker
Switch?: Carla (retired police officer from Atlanta, GA) ($831) makes the right decision to stay (GT: $6,777)

Next: Nancy Kokesh
$1 Bid: Erin
Rat Race: Joshua (security professional/bodyguard from Solvang, CA) ($1,207) wins the Kia Forte and luggage for a perfect first half (GT: $23,767.99)

SCSD #1 Winner: Carla

Next: Rashida Hawthorne
+$1 Bid: Nancy
Flip-Flop: Jennifer ($1,400) flips to a loss

Next: Gabriel Carson-O’Crevan
$1 Bid: Nancy
+$1 Bid: Erin
Dice Game: Erin ($1K) is one-and-done’d out of the game snapping the 8-time winning streak

Last: Maria LaFata
To the Penny: Rashida ($2,199) bails with $6K (GT: $8,199)

SCSD #2 Winner: Rashida

Showcase Winner: Carla ($43,086) (low showcase)

Games won: 3 of 6 (1 partial) — Final Total: $85,882.99

My Rating: 6 (D+)