The very last contestants with the host who’s from CHICAGO, ILLINOIS…

Tammi Barker: part of a moms group and loves doing mom’s night out dinners every month from Livermore, CA

Nino Ortiz Toro: Marine for 5 years and currently a firefighter married for 10 years with two children from Augusta, GA

Adrienne Bean: aspiring singer despite her family saying that she can’t from Memphis, TN

Due to a special message from Pat Sajak reflecting on his long hosting career at the end of the show, Round 1 is actually skipped. Pat does his Final Spin landing on the MW near $650 and adds $1K which meant everybody gets $2K, but Pat decides to make it $5K instead.

: $29,598 cash & Finland | Tammi: $20,890 cash & Barbados | Nino: $11,500

GRAND TOTAL: $61,988
BANKRUPT TRASH (Adrienne in Mystery Round): $600

Scary moment

-We got an incorrect letter on the million dollar wedge.

-In the first Triple Toss-Up…

S _ _ D _ _ _ / A
T _ A N K – _ _ U / _ _ _ E

Tammi botches the last word with CARD when the last letter is an E.

Final BR categories of the Pat Sajak era: THING/PLACE/LIVING THINGS

As a side note, THING(S) has unfortunately been offered all 195 episodes this season for the first time like I feared.

$100K Bonus Round: Adrienne collects $50K that was hidden in the BACK PORCH which continues the season finale BR win record at 5 consecutive wins.

Adrienne’s Final Total: $79,598 cash & trip


My Rating: 9 (A-)

Ismael’s Rating: 7 (C+)

brown bull on green glass field under grey and blue cloudy sky

Wheel continues to coincidentally damage LMaD’s winnings like yesterday.

Unfortunately, that is our thirty eighth car shutout of the season.

Season finale is usually very kind to Wheel and that came true once again.

5 thoughts on “WoF Quickcap: 🔚PAT’S LAST EPISODE🔚

  1. Both Sajak’s long run and our ‘23-‘24 Game Show Season go out on a Winning note as our Big Winner here cleans up with a Main Game victory and a $50K BR get.  Way to go!  

    Bobby’s Rating – 8 of 10 (Winning Show but still a Losing Week).

    FINAL COUNT TODAY – not counting our only car win as part of a DSW (Ay Que Mala Suerte Que Perdio —for once this season, the tables are turned on you, Ismael!) — 1 DD, 2 F!s (with the ongoing J! champ), 3 trips, and $50K.

    BLOOD COUNT TODAY – 3 cars, 2 DDs, 1 F!, and the trip in the BD.

    Statistically, WOF was our only Major Winning Showtoday, LMAD lost, while TPIR and J! went 50/50 Split.

    TONIGHT’S BIG WINNER – Adrienne Bean (from this show) with $79,598 C & P.

    Today’s outcome means we will have no $1M winner on America’s Game this week and season, thus our other big winner from here this week, Hannah, will be our statistical CONTESTANT OF THE WEEK.  Close call on ZONK CONTESTANT OF THE WEEK.

    The jury is out, folks. Bobby’s final summary and honors are now up at https://bobbymgsk.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/6-7-24-quick-news-notes/#comment-73798 , while GSQ’s results will be up throughout the night. Stay with us!


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