TPiR Quickcap: 6/7/2024

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First Four: Subramanyam Murthy, Angelica Mamooney, Lamisha Cotton πŸŽ‚, Angela Smart
+$1 Bid: Angela
That’s Too Much: Angelica ($1,415) goes too low on the Toyota Corolla Cross

Next: Carolyn Newhouse
$1 Bid: Subramanyam
Now or Then (Feb. 2009): Carolyn ($1,100) remembers the prices from now and then (GT: $24,366)

Next: George Casi
+$1 Bid: Subramanyam
Switch?: Angela from Ashland, MA ($2,699) should’ve switched

SCSD #1 Winner: Carolyn

Next: Patrice Massey (male)
+$1 Bid: George, Lamisha
More or Less: Patrice ($956) wins kayak, washer & dryer, and table (car wipeout) (GT: $6,166)

Next: Melissa Delos Reyes
Squeeze Play: Subramanyam ($1,615) will squeeze his way in line to Asheville (GT: $9,307)

Last: Kandace Gettins
+$1 Bid: Lamisha
1/2 Off: Lamisha ($1,234) escapes the FFBC but ends up with an empty box (GT: $1,436)

SCSD #2 Winner: Patrice (banked $1K — $7,166)

Showcase Winner: Patrice ($83,068) (DSW #6 BY JUST $1!!!)

Games won: 2 of 6 (1 partial) β€” Final Total: $122,291

My Rating: 7 (C)

Ismael’s Rating: 6 (D+)


Unfortunately, no car win in the maingame means no bull.

4 thoughts on “TPiR Quickcap: 6/7/2024

  1. DCL and a CBS CGW on this show…but thank goodness we had a DSW!

    Bobby’s Rating DISALLOWED but we still have a Winning Week.

    It also means…ugh! I should have kept my mouth shut on the final Car Dilemma of the season, Ismael!

    J! is next.


    1. On a side note, there was a $0 perfectionist bid way back on December 16, 2008, albeit that Terry Kneiss came clean and had cleared his allegations (not like Charles Ingram in that case):


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