TPiR Quickcap: 6/11/2024

The Price is Right logo

First Four: Darrell Bean, Megan Newman, Troyce Hargis-Monroe, Lorelee Lardier
+$1 Bid: Lorelee
: Darrell ($930) loses to the Toyota Corolla in the second round

Next: L’oreal Johnson-Thomas
+$1 Bid: Lorelee
Pick-a-Number: L’oreal from Chicago ($2,639) picks a losing number

Next: Kyle Ingram
Plinko: Megan ($1,249) wins $10K from 2 chips (GT: $11,299)

SCSD #1 Winner: L’oreal (spin-off with Darrell)

Next: Myrle Jackson (who went in front of the podium instead of behind it Image result for monkey facepalm)
Make Your Move: Kyle ($1,123) makes a losing move

Next: Tracy Rock
$1 Bid: Tracy (huh?!)
+$1 Bid: Lorelee
Let ’em Roll: Lorelee ($560) wins $1K from just 1 roll (car wipeout) (GT: $1,560)

Last: Thomas Bethman
Double Prices: Tracy from CT ($1,336) picks the losing price

Off to the FFBC: Troyce

SCSD #2 Winner: Lorelee (banked $1K — $2,560)

Showcase Winner: Lorelee ($34,051) (low showcase)

Games won: 1 of 6 (1 partial) — Final Total: $51,378

My Rating: 2 (F-)

Ant0824’s Rating: 1

Boot to Gooseeggs and FFBC Victims

Hasn’t worked out for Troyce.

Stamp of Rejection v2

3 thoughts on “TPiR Quickcap: 6/11/2024

  1. Good thing the CBS News Special Report preempted mostly everything after Act 3 by the looks of it on my end (CBS 17/WNCN).

    When shows are preempted on CBS 17/WNCN, they air local commercials when the preemption ends, and in this case, when TPiR returned, Showcase Showdown #2 was already over.


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